¿What i can do with a visa?

What i can do with a visa?

 The visa is a legal document, is a requisite of a country a person to enter to this how primary option to visit a specific country, but what I can do with a visa? essentially you have a pass not guaranteed to enter a country for example USA, you are thinking, why not guaranteed? well because when you travel to your destination, an official in an airport, for example, can or can't revocate your pass to enter this country, this will depend on the official when he asks you several unknown questions for all.

 A Visa is a clear document what specific something about you personally, to get this document can be some hard for several persons because some country is strict on the time to deliver this VIP pass to persons.

visa card

 Some visas can be targeted when you arrive on your destiny or the consulate can send your this to the final destination when you come to your destination, every travel can do this optional application why may be appropriate in some situations.  There are transit visas depending on each country they can last a little or sometime before expiring.

Tokio Travel Guide

Tokio Travel Guide

 Here’s our guide to travel to Tokyo we giving you good things that you need to know how to travel better for the Japanese adventure!

 We can travel from the entire world to Tokio country, they have several destinations to connect you on this country, every year several people from the USA and UK travel to a cute country to know it almost entirely. Normally Narita airport receives the mayor's movement of people as to how Tokio airport too, knowing the best things right here in these two airports you can start to know the best thing starting here in the mentioned airports.

 The travelers have the mayor quantity of taxis, limousines around of best hotels in good chains of the entire world. they can take 20 to 30min to reach the best location to stay in hotels.

 The subways with metros are a good option to start to know the entire country from there because they have good promotions of tickets with a packet of severals price accessible for almost all tourists.

Tokio Travel Guide

The Tokyo travel guide can start with you reading our blog right now, in fact, you did it haha because you read until here.

We will recommend the travel card for metros, they have good promotions that can not be missing when looking for economy and good prices.

Tourist information center of Tokio, you can find it in every airport inside (the Tokyo Travel Guide is here), they have a good guide for new travelers in severals language, you can understand what to do in this cute country, we recommend search to reach to the full guide.

You need around of $2000 to enter to this country because the laws require a secure for your own welfare in case of an emergency and payable of tax also included in this amound, "can vary depend on the season of the year"

 Eating in this country can be highly secure because the people take good care of food mostly fish and whatever thing are fresh to eat, they are clean persons even on the bathroom are exclusive things to the time to go on this santuary of some minutes.

You can use translator Ayako, you can download online from google for example, with this translator you can understand this idiom some difficult to several person.

 We want to facilitate the visit to this country in the best recommended way as much as possible for you

Traveling on the islands in caribbean

Traveling on the islands in the Caribbean

 When you think about travel, you must think, well I need money, time, planning and much more to start to make real a travel.

 One day a friend named John to think, I need to travel with my family in few days, but he needs planning to start to make this real, to start to travel on the islands in the Caribbean I must think in the risk in this season because the hurricanes can spoil our trip, precisely today 09/02/2019 the hurricane Dorian start in hell in the Caribbean, destroying the Bahama islands, mainly in this season I can travel with my family but can be a big problem for us, because I can't delay travel for us with this type of things, when a person starts to planning to travel, he must think in the risk of travel, all-time can take a risk and we need a prevention to counter whatever thing that prevents the trip.

islands of the caribbean

 The islands in the Caribbean can be beautiful travel because these islands have cute things to undercover magically, normally a travel in the islands of the Caribbean can be secure because this population have low risk of crimes is fairly low, that is why much peoples go to Puerto Rico, islands Bahamas, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Dominican Republic, martinica and much more...

 Certainly, the business can be good in these islands, because severals person goes here to think his big business in the future, can be relaxing for every person.