¿What i can do with a visa?

What i can do with a visa?

 The visa is a legal document, is a requisite of a country a person to enter to this how primary option to visit a specific country, but what I can do with a visa? essentially you have a pass not guaranteed to enter a country for example USA, you are thinking, why not guaranteed? well because when you travel to your destination, an official in an airport, for example, can or can't revocate your pass to enter this country, this will depend on the official when he asks you several unknown questions for all.

 A Visa is a clear document what specific something about you personally, to get this document can be some hard for several persons because some country is strict on the time to deliver this VIP pass to persons.

visa card

 Some visas can be targeted when you arrive on your destiny or the consulate can send your this to the final destination when you come to your destination, every travel can do this optional application why may be appropriate in some situations.  There are transit visas depending on each country they can last a little or sometime before expiring.

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